Alison Goodman in Ballarat for the Melbourne Art Book Fair (free event)

Words Out Loud is chuffed to host, in partnership with Everybody Knows Books, Melbourne-based author Alison Goodman in conversation for the regional program of the Melbourne Art Book Fair.

Photo by Tania Jovanovic

Alison, a New York Times bestselling author, has written eight novels marketed to young adults and adults across a range of genres. She will be sharing her experiences working with publishers big and small as she delves into the role of cover art and book selling from a writer’s point of view.

Alison will also be sharing her experiences in promoting her latest novel, The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies. It is the first in a series of mystery adventures set in the Regency era and was recently long-listed in the 2023 ARA Historical Novel Award. It should not surprise then that Alison has a strong interest in hands-on research, whether it be swordplay, Regency-era dance or a fine high tea.

Alison will be in conversation with Ballarat-based writer Jason Nahrung, with plenty of opportunity for questions and a chat.

Drinks and nibbles will be provided, and Alison will have a selection of her books for sale and will have her signing pen handy.

The FREE event will be held on Thursday, 30 May, at 6pm at Everybody Knows Books, 10 Sturt Street, Ballarat.

There is a Facebook event here if you’d like to indicate your interest, and you can direct any queries via the website.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Lorena Carrington in Ballarat for the Melbourne Art Book Fair

Words Out Loud is chuffed to host, in partnership with Everybody Knows Books, Central Highlands illustrator Lorena Carrington in conversation for the Melbourne Art Book Fair.

Lorena is an illustrator with a background in fine arts, photography and design. She has worked with a range of collaborators and publishers to create illustrated story collections, anthologies, picture books, and cover designs. She recently established Pardalote Press with Sophie Masson, where they publish small surprising things. She is the recipient of the 2020 Australian Fairy Tale Society award for her “outstanding contribution to the field of Australian Fairy Tales” and a May Gibbs Creative Time Fellowship for 2023.

So, if you would like to know how an illustrator works with a writer to creative a striking book, how Lorena makes her art and how she got into the industry, or how she went about setting up her press with Sophie, here’s your chance! Or just come along, enjoy a drink, nibbles and fine company in what promises to be a relaxed and informative addition to the regional MABF program.

Lorena will be in conversation with Kirstyn McDermott, with plenty of opportunity for questions.

The event will be held on Saturday, 27 May, at 5pm at Everybody Knows Books, 90 Little Bridge Street (next door to Coles), Ballarat. Free, but please book so we can cater.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!