kemp | flynn

Don't Shoot by Ian Kemp

Ian Kemp

Don’t shoot

Photograph on Canson Rag Photographique paper
75cm x 46cm (framed)


>> Ian is a fine-art photographer and settled in Soldiers Hill just over four years ago. He loves the place. He graduated with an Advanced Diploma of Photography last year and is finding that photography is taking him into some wonderful places.


by Jean Flynn

High school shit: trying to wash lard-covered frying pans with cold water, having no idea what the netball bib acronyms meant, paying a $50 non-refundable deposit for the deb ball then being too scared to ask anyone to go with me, watching Karina Theideman flick her peroxided hair as she mocked girls who didn’t own Levis, being acutely aware of but doing nothing about my excessive body hair, eating only fruit for lunch because: cellulite, seeing Duncan McMillan spit phlegm into the air then catch it again in his mouth.

But you know what? No-one ever walked into my school with a gun. So.

Listen to Jean’s story:

>> Jean’s debut novel, Lovesick, won the inaugural XO Romance Prize in 2016. Her non-fiction work has appeared in publications such as The Age, Mamamia and The Huffington Post. She has had short stories published in various anthologies, and recently won third prize in the 2018 Newcastle Short Story Award.


Ian’s response to Jean’s text:
Look at our hands,
Look at our eyes,
They are for the fallen and the yet to fall.
And because you will not change,
Look at our hands
As we put them up and vote
But not for you
No, not for you, not ever.


Liam Deutsher's poster for Jean Flynn's text

Liam Deutsher’s poster for Jean Flynn’s text